For your security, we’ll ask you a few questions to verify that you’re the owner of this account. Manage your content on the iTunes Store and Apple Books. Disable Find My iPhone, iPad, Mac. Whether you have an iPad, an iPhone, or just use the App Store, you also have an Apple ID.

In fact, the experience is better using the same Apple ID across all devices.
So I went to try and reset my password ***** then get a message that my Apple id is not valid If you have any of these devices, you have been asked to sign in or create an Apple ID to use the device. It’s essential for a smooth experience within the Apple ecosystem. Enter the information below to find your Apple ID. If you see a different Apple ID displayed at the top of the iCloud screen, you'll need to sign out of the old account before you sign in with yours: Scroll down and tap Sign Out. In the event your device goes missing, you can use Find My iPhone (etc.) This includes phones, tablets, computers, and iTunes and the App Store. My Apple ID is an Apple account used to store your settings and preferences, and most importantly as an Apple login, letting you access services like Apple Music, App Store, iMessage, FaceTime, iCloud, and many more. There is your Apple ID on the top. first name.

As mentioned earlier, the Apple ID is used for signing into the iCloud. If you prefer, you can also get order status or make changes by phone at (800) 692–7753. The Apple ID is used with all of Apple's products from the iPhone to the iPad to the Mac to Apple TV. Having someone else's Apple ID on your iPhone can be a frustrating problem to have.

Learn more about iTunes Connect. We recommend that you use the same Apple ID for all Apple services on your device—including the iTunes & App Stores and iCloud. Technician's Assistant: Thanks. Enter a serial number to review your eligibility for support and extended coverage.
See the following from Sign in with your Apple ID - Apple Support.

[5] X Research source Your Apple ID is your gateway to all of Apple's cloud services: iTunes, Apple Music, and iCloud. Apple provides lots of ways to find your lost Apple ID if you have other devices in your Apple ID. I setup my iTunes Apple ID that uses a non-Apple email address in the early 2000s and my .MAC account a few years later when I got my first Mac. Go to Settings>[your name]>iTunes and App Stores. Can you give me any more details about your issue? Manage your account settings, track orders and returns, and check your gift card balance with your Apple account. first name This article explains how to remove it and set your own Apple ID up again. Apple says my Apple id is not an apple id . You can use a different ID for iCloud and iTunes. After the most recent update for my Apple Watch ver3, I cannot even use my watch because a screen appears asking me to enter my Password for my Apple ID, but a non-visible keyboard appears so no way to enter that Password and if you hit Cancel then the same screen just reappears as a continuous loop and won’t go away. enabled are associated with your Apple ID. You don't need more than one Apple ID. A third email account that can be used as a throw-away email (one that has not already been used as an Apple ID).

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