Copy settings in one click. Create your own crosshair or browse crosshairs of the best CS:GO players. Remember me Forgot password.
GamerLegion ScreaM CS:GO Settings, Gear, Setup and Config - Including: Sensitivity, DPI, Resolution, Crosshair, Viewmodel, Monitor, Mouse, Mousepad, Keyboard, Headset. We devoted some time and gathered the current crosshairs (2020) of some of the best CSGO players. Idk about flusha but red color is the best because if u play with green or cyan crosshair your eyes gets tired so fast so u cant focus properly.

2016-10-15 16:31 #56 Easy-to-use Crosshair Generator. is the leading csgo site in the world, featuring news, demos, pictures, statistics, on-site coverage and much much more! ... Best crosshair in CS:GO for aim Stats Galleries Rankings Forums Bets Live Fantasy UPDATED. So now that you know that white with black outline is visible on the entire color spectrum, wouldn't the ideal crosshair combination when playing CSGO be a white crosshair with a black outline?
Login. S1mple, device, kennyS, Zywoo and Stewie2k are just some of them!

If you are looking for CS: GO pro crosshair settings, this place is for you! News Matches Results Events. I've tried playing with this combo and personally, it completely blows every other crosshair that I've tried out of … I have other crosshairs in the past and this seems to do the trick its big enough, move easy side to side and just all round a good crosshair (Heads up, this is Get_Right's from NIP Crosshair…

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