Tip: See also the CONVERT() function. Convert a value to a DATE datatype: SELECT CAST("2017-08-29" AS DATE); Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage.

MySQL CAST() Function MySQL Functions. Example. 這篇文章協助大家學習 MySQL 這套資料庫管理系統,並利用 MySQL Workbench 練習如何儲存、搜尋、排序及檢索資料。 資料庫系統簡介 一個資料庫管理系統(DataBase Manage-ment System,DBMS)中可以有很多個資料庫,也可以有很多組使用者帳戶,當使用者想要存取資料庫內容時,必須先通過帳戶驗 … Example. CAST(value AS datatype) Parameter Values. Syntax. Parameter Description; value: Required. Go through conditions and return a value when the first condition is met: SELECT OrderID, Quantity, CASE WHEN Quantity > 30 THEN "The quantity is greater than 30" WHEN Quantity = 30 THEN "The quantity is 30" ELSE "The quantity is under 30" END FROM OrderDetails; Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage. The CAST() function converts a value (of any type) into the specified datatype. When we work with MySQL on Windows, at some point, we might need to edit some options in the configuration file to make our program works as expected. Location of MySQL Configuration File my.cnf or my.ini on Windows – Querychat This article shows us how we can find the MySQL config file location on Windows quickly. mysql默认的sql语句的最大限制是1M(mysql5.7的客户端默认是16M,服务端默认是4M),可以根据设置查看。官方解释是适当增大 max_allowed_packet 参数可以使client端到server端传递大数据时,系统能够分配更多的扩展内存来处理。 MySQL CASE Function MySQL Functions.