Please contact if you would like to help getting it back in shape. CSS Validator Project .

The translations are mainly contributed by volunteers. Une idée ?

However, it is not a complete measure of web standards conformance.

The package validate on save by default (you can disable this behavior in the settings). The CSS Validator is also available for download. Translate the CSS validator in a new language. Automatic Method: You should now simply use: move from a per-profile only validation to a checking of "all of CSS properties" by default, mirroring the current consensus in CSS Working Group that there is only "one CSS". Will hurt your feelings* (And help you code better) Doin' the lint thang... CSS lint found 0 errors and 0 warnings. W3C standards define an Open Web Platform for application development that has the unprecedented potential to enable developers to build rich interactive experiences, powered by vast data stores, that are available on any device. Donations .

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web.

There are two types of validation events: errors and warnings.

The alpha service of the new Mobile Checker has been suspended for now. The latest development code for the CSS Validator is available through the GitHub repository.. For a visual representation, see the CSS Validator Sequence Diagram, which is available in png, graffle and svg formats.. The CSS Validation service is currently available in 19 languages. Cwm Cwm is a general-purpose data processor for the semantic web. The more, the better. The HTML5 test score is an indication of how well your browser supports the upcoming HTML5 standard and related specifications.

Options; You can pick and choose which errors and warnings to test for below. W3C Blog .

The more, the better. CSS Validator: This validator checks the CSS validity of web documents in HTML, XHTML etc. Translate the CSS validator in a new language. Most Web documents are written using markup languages, such as HTML or XHTML. Usage. Though W3C validation is important for browser … The Mobile Checker is a tool for Web developers who want to make their Web page or Web app work better on mobile devices.

Nos validateurs : Unicorn HTML CSS; Logiciels open source; Politique anti spam. Your CSS goes here. If the CSS validator is not yet available in your native language and you would like to translate it: Download the translation kit. (The CSS working group also uses that list for most discussions.) See the details below. CSS Validator Project . Paris : 21 Octobre, 2015. Become a Friend of W3C: support the W3C mission and free developer tools. How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (Remember XHTML is all lower-case) and/or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type, and/or use CSS instead of this attribute.