We have covered XML capabilities in SQL Server in several posts before – you can read those here.. I have a table with a xml column. Search should be case insensitive Structure of XML in each row is different I used
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is one of the most common formats used to share information between different platforms. Yesterday, while helping a client, the developer needed to read from an XML data type column and the way the code was written was to iterate over the records, fetch one record at a time, assign it to a variable and then using the nodes() method, extract out the data and their hierarchies … The XML data type is a very common data type that is used to store unstructured or heterogeneous data in SQL Server. Untyped XML is checked to confirm that it is well formed. With the FOR XML clause, you can return the result of a query to XML. Solution There many possible ways to perform this type of import and in this tip we will show how this can be done using T-SQL and OPENROWSET to read the XML data and load into a SQL Server table. In this article, we will discuss the use of the XML data type along with its benefits, disadvantages, and limitations within various use cases. The XML Data type has definite uses, but the way of interrogating, retrieving, and manipulating the values of properties and attributes within XML have been so foreign to the SQL language as to be somewhat of a barrier to their use. This is mentioned in the documentation, though not particularly prominently.You can see the main Connect bug report here, and a similar report here.The latter gives two workarounds: Working with XML Data in SQL Server October 11, 2019 by Ben Richardson. In the script above we declare an XML type variable @cars. When the average database developer is obliged to manipulate XML, either shredding it into relational format, or creating it from SQL, it is often done 'at arms length'. Whether you want to output the query results in SQL to XML or attempt to export the data in a SQL Server database to the XML file, you can find the way to make it here. Fortunately, Robert Sheldon has once more managed to make the subject accessible to those of us who just need to get the job done. The mere existence of an xml column on the table prevents it from participating in distributed queries (eg being queried through a linked server connection). If there is a schema associated with the xml type, validation is also performed. Manipulating XML Data in SQL Server. I require to search for sub string in that xml column for all its node and value. There is often the need import XML files into SQL Server which can be done several ways and in this tip we will look at a simple way to do this using just T-SQL commands. This is a deficiency within SQL Server.

With SQL Server Management Studio, you can save your SQL database as CSV and then you can convert the database files to XML, PDF or other formats as you like. You can parse any of the SQL Server string data types, such as [n][var]char, [n]text, varbinary,and image, into the xml data type by casting (CAST) or converting (CONVERT) the string to the xml data type.

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