Question: I know that in SQL Server you can use the “select top 10” and “select top 100” SQL clause to automatically fetch the top-n rows from a table.What is the Oracle equivalent of the “select top 10” command? If you add to this ORDER BY FIELDNAME LIMIT 100 put it in the FIELDNAME in the order that you've asked and return the 1st 100 rows. The SELECT TOP clause is useful on large tables with thousands of records. The following SQL statement shows the equivalent example using ROWNUM (for Oracle): Example. SELECT TOP, LIMIT and ROWNUM. The following statement returns the top 10 products with the highest inventory level: SELECT product_name, quantity FROM inventories INNER JOIN products USING (product_id) ORDER BY quantity DESC FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY; B) WITH TIES example. For random rows with no particular order... select mycolumn. The SELECT TOP clause is used to specify the number of records to return. How do I select top 100 records in query. There are two ways to approach this: There are two ways to approach this: Have the client application run … 3004 May 29, 2001 6:06 PM (in response to 3004) select * from your_table where rownum < 101;

LIMIT 100,500 this will … Note: Not all database systems support SELECT TOP. Answer: The select top 10 is a non-ANSI SQL implementation that is unique to SQL Server. How to Select the Top N Rows in Oracle SQL To find the top N rows in Oracle SQL, there is one recommended way to do it. How can I do this? Oracle FETCH clause examples A) Top N rows example. The following SQL statement selects the first three records from the "Customers" table: Example. The SQL SELECT TOP Clause. Non SQL Server databases use keywords like LIMIT, OFFSET, and ROWNUM. all the answers apart from the accepted one show how to order the result set and get the first ordered result. If you need to take only the first two dates irrespective of NAME, you could use the below query.The logic has been written inside query This method was suggested by AskTom from . Thanks! "How do I do top 1 in Oracle?" . MySQL uses LIMIT, and Oracle uses ROWNUM. In Access query, it is TOP 100, is there an equal in Oracle sql? TOP (100) you typically do in Oracle like you have been shown in one of the above answers: select * from ( select col1 , col2 from table1 order by col3 desc ) where rownum <= 100 /. SELECT TOP is useful when working with very large datasets. For example, what if I wanted to retrieve the first 3 records from my query results. ROWNUM pseudo-column is used outside the sub-query to restrict the number of rows returned. How to get a value from a single cell of a table by Oracle functions. 2444 Views Tags: 1. RSS Feed : SQL TOP SQL TOP The SQL TOP clause is used to specify the number of records returned by the query.