The Split Editor Plugin provides commands for splitting editors vertically or horizontally and managing those splits. This is a standard Vim feature so it should be included in the core Vrapper plugin but our implementation utilizes the Eclipse 4 API. Sneak is a powerful, reliable, yet minimal motion plugin for Vim. sneak.vim :shoe: Sneak is a minimalist, versatile Vim motion plugin that jumps to any location specified by two characters. easymotion/vim-easymotion 過去の関連記事 Vim-Easymotionを拡張してカーソルを縦横無尽に楽々移動する - haya14busa まだ fork でやってた時代の記事. … Created May 3, 2020 vim-easyclip Simplified clipboard functionality for Vim clever-f.vim Extended f, F, t and T key mappings for Vim. #vim's home on the web. OK, I Understand GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Sneak. Projects 0. We aggregate information from all open source repositories. I originally wrote it to address the sub-optimal valley between Vim's built-in near-distance (f, t, ...) and long-distance (/) motions. I think general-purpose plugins are most useful as temporary struts to make learning vim easier.

Pull requests 3. We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. " Super fast movement with vim-sneak: Plug ' justinmk/vim-sneak ' " Improve vim incsearch: Plug ' haya14busa/is.vim ' " Show match number for incsearch: Plug ' osyo-manga/vim-anzu ' " Stay after pressing * and search selected text: Plug ' haya14busa/vim-asterisk ' " File search, tag search and more: if has (' win32 ') Plug ' Yggdroot/LeaderF ' else Issues 13. Sneak is a motion plugin for vim that remaps the s and S keys. While, as you can see, I’ve got a more than 20 plugins listed above, there’s only a few that are super important to my workflow. But it was mainly written in pure VimL, making it inherently much slower when searching/filtering at scale(see #140 ). GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. and surround ), motion-repeat ( ; and , ), keymaps , visual mode, multibyte text, and macros . and surround ), motion-repeat ( ; and , ), keymaps , … Patrick Schanen's Vim Page: an index of vim resources more complete than this list. Projects 0 Security Insights Code.

By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. and surround), keymaps, visual mode, unicode ("multibyte"), and macros.Many details have been carefully balanced to minimize friction between intent and action.. It also tries to avoid the hesitation that easymotion introduces, by avoiding the need to select a label if the first match is correct. Make sure to source this file in init.vim.

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