NEP: New Economics papers. Subscribe to new additions to RePEc.

Public profiles for Economics researchers. All the economics literature on one site. Who was a student of whom, using RePEc. IJOR is a forum to help professionals, academics, researchers and practitioners, working in the field of operations research theory and applications in the emerging economy and society, to discuss of important ideas, concepts and disseminate information and to learn from each other's work. They are built on a large number of criteria that are relatively stable in definition. RePEc Biblio Various rankings of research in Economics & related fields. Author registration.
RePEc Genealogy. Corrections Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to Christian Zimmermann.Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service.Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. JEL codes New Economics Papers.

An author page is automatically added to EconPapers when you register with RAS and the page includes all papers you claim as yours during the registration. Public profiles for Economics researchers. RePEc Genealogy. The policy sciences can be applied to articles with greater or lesser intensity to accommodate the focus of an author… Economics Rankings. Between March and mid-May, the total number of UI claims was around 34 million, higher than the 23.5 million UI claims during the entire year of 2008 at the depth of the Great Recession.. Public profiles for Economics researchers.
Graduate studies Advanced Search. EconPapers FAQ Archive maintainers FAQ Cookies at EconPapers. NEP: New Economics papers. Economics Rankings. All the economics literature on one site. RePEc Genealogy page for Miriam Bruhn This page traces who advised whom during graduate studies for Miriam Bruhn (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS).You can help amend this and other pages of this project here.You can also look at the page's history. The author pages are based on information the authors provide when registering with the RePEc Author Service. Who was a student of whom, using RePEc. Author registration. MPRA accepts working papers and books in all languages, ... the Munich University Library in Germany. The chart shows logged values of actual GDP and two estimates of potential GDP calculated by the CBO. Various rankings of research in Economics & related fields. Economics Rankings. Integration with IDEAS Note that IDEAS links from papers, articles, editor profiles, and JEL codes to the relevant RePEc Biblio topics.

As rankings matter a lot for some, we do not want to disturb the definitions before prior approval by the community. The work will be made available through EconPapers, Ideas and other services. Who was a student of whom, using RePEc. RePEc RePEc Author Service RePEc Blog Plagiarism Open Access Open Archives.

Authors also find mention of their papers in RePEc Biblio on their IDEAS … All the economics literature on one site. IDEAS: Economics research. Welcome! IDEAS: Economics research. Various rankings of research in Economics & related fields. Subscribe to new additions to RePEc. The policy sciences are a distinctive subset within the policy movement in that they embrace the traditions of innovated and elaborated by Harold D. Lasswell and Myers S. McDougal. IDEAS: Economics research. RePEc Biblio The U.S. economy experienced an unprecedented rise in the number of weekly unemployment insurance (UI) claims. Author registration. Since then, actual GDP has paralleled the potential GDP series forecast made by economists back in 2007—but, of course, along a considerably lower level path. Authors. Subscribe to new additions to RePEc. Serials from this institution can be added with … The IDEAS/RePEc rankings are a popular way to assess the strength of economists, serials and institutions. RePEc Biblio The higher level of potential GDP was estimated in 2007 and the lower level in 2011. RePEc Genealogy. NEP: New Economics papers.

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