Giant ATX 2018 Model, Large Frame, Bright Green, Good Condition $500 Negotiable - Good Clean before given away - Good Condition - Green is not sold anymore for this bike model - Great for everyday use - includes a spare tube The ATX 1 is the top of the line bike in Giants recreational Mountain Bike range. Recentemente tive oportunidade de comprar não apenas uma, mas duas Giant ATX 760, ambas em condições razoáveis (talvez um pouco pior) de conservação. The 24 speed Shimano gears feature 3 chainrings at the front with an 87-speed cassette at the rear and are operated by "light action" levers for easy gear shifting. ATX 2018 Enhancements Webinar — See schedule and register; Order Office Supplies Staples Advantage Register for Staples Advantage and order office supplies at discounted prices. わたしたちgiantは、魅力的で幅広い製品ラインナップを通じて、世界中の人々を自転車というすばらしい冒険へと駆り立ててまいります。 2018 Giant Bicycle [ ATX ] - Bike Image - Climb steep city streets or explore forest trails. These mountain bikes are designed for lifestyle, performance, sport, and advanced riding. Giant ATX 1 27.5″ Mountain Bike 2019 – Hardtail MTB ★ ★Price : $240.00 ★ ★ Genius Bike What are the different frame options offered? Register Today. Good Clean before given away Good Condition Green is not sold anymore for this bike model Great for everyday use includes a spare tube, 1250463972

Giant ATX 1 2018. This bike is at home in any enviroment and an excellent entry level bike for the budding young off roader. Giant Mountain Bikes. Giant offers a wide variety of mountain bikes for riders at every level. 2018 Giant ATX 2 26 inch wheel Yellow or Blue. The bikes built by Giant are crafted specifically for different surfaces, including on-road, X-road, off-road, and BMX. Preciso da ajuda da comunidade.

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