none: It does not set anything around the font. Google Fonts lists all the styles available for each font family.. color: It sets color around the font. Coloring. Merk op dat het niets uitmaakt of de CSS-instructies in grote of kleine letters worden geschreven, “font-family” of “FONT-FAMILY”, het is om het even. So added this to my header: v-shadow: It sets the vertical shadow around the font. How do you use Google fonts, as I want to use the Montserrat font on my site, but in places I want to use the light version. font-family: "Times New Roman", for example. The default position of the italic axis is 0 (normal) and the default for the weight axis is 400 (regular). Default style. Using the icon font allows for easy styling of an icon in any color. While this tutorial is aimed at cases where you need to modify existing markup (where injecting an SVG via CSS is not always possible or easily understood by everyone), I wanted to mention that Font Awesome 5 will be introducing an SVG framework for who like to use them, which will be as easily to implement as standard i tags. Here you can easily choose a web-safe font from the dropdown, increase the font size, set the letter and word spacing. While it’s perfectly legit to use the serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, and fantasy generic font family names, they are designed as a fallback for when preceding font families are not recognised. 'Web Safe' ... not to mention that it would be safer to add more alternatives to the font-family code. blur-radius: It sets the blur radius around the font. We have gathered together a nice resource list of stunning web safe fonts that you can use with CSS. When a request doesn’t specify a position or range for an axis, the default position will be used. 30 Gorgeous Web Safe Fonts To Use With CSS. Reply. James, thanks for the link, I will check google fonts and see how they work. Font names that are made up of more than one word should be placed inside quotation marks. Dit geldt overigens ook voor HTML-code. Finding the correct line to declare a CSS font is not always the easiest thing that is in top of people's head. Adjust the color, font-weight, decoration, font-style, variant and the transform. initial: It sets the font border to its default value. h-shadow: It sets horizontal shadow around the font. inherit: It inherits the property values from its parent values. Probeer eens te variëren met “color” en met “font-size”.