Download PsTools (2.7 MB). If you want to restart your computer on a delay, use shutdown -r -t XXXX instead. thanks The “Create Shortcut” menu appears. Windows 10 shutdown timer; Scheduled Shutdown Using Task Scheduler; 1. I simply have 'shutdown /r' and 'shutdown /s' in the files with a single echo before it. 12/04/2006; 2 minutes to read; In this article. PsShutdown v2.52. By Mark Russinovich. Services are shutdown in alphabetical order. More by the author: This will shut down a person's computer when they click on the icon that you set up. It also has additional features that are not available in Windows. When using Shutdown.exe to reboot a server, the shutdown process will normally allow 30 seconds to ensure each running service has time to stop. The shutdown command allows you to shut down a Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10 computer from the command line. The result is the same as if you chose Start menu → Power button → Shut down. Windows 10 Shutdown Timer. Introduction. Note. Create a Shutdown Icon. To create a shutdown icon, right-click your Desktop, hover over “New,” and then select “Shortcut.” RELATED: How to Shut Down Your Windows 10 PC Using Command Prompt. For instance, if you want the computer to shut down in 2 hours, the command should look like shutdown -s -t 7200. The shutdown command will close the prompt window, and then start shutting down Windows. Reason codes. Though Windows has no visible option to create a Windows shutdown timer, you can auto shutdown Windows with a single command.All you have to do is execute a single shutdown timer command either in PowerShell or Command Prompt. When ran - then .cmd/.bat just runs the 'echo' operation and the window then hangs (its possible to ctrl+c to end the batch job). This icon will be a new icon that the victim can't resist clicking on. When they click on the icon, the computer will shutdown with a comment, with a comment, or without them knowing.

Introduction: Computer Shutdown Prank (Windows) By Shadow Dragon Follow. PsShutdown is a command-line utility similar to the shutdown utility from the Windows 2000 Resource Kit, but with the ability to do much more. Published: December 4, 2006. Halting the services manually in a specific order with NET STOP or SC can be slightly faster.

In the text box under “Type the location of the item,” type the following command and then click “Next”:

It seems using .cmd and .bat to run shutdown and restart isn't working.